LOVE & POWER Hiroshima 2020
2020.5.12 tue - 2020.5.17 sun
あのLOVE&POWER Hiroshimaが再び始動!
Photo Exhibition everybody can join
from all over the world
The LOVE&POWER Hiroshima
will be revived again in 2020!
展覧会場:Instagram #love_power_2020
LOVE&POWER Hiroshimaは、全世界からだれでも参加できる参加型の写真展です。
今から20年も前、LOVE&POWER Hiroshima 2000では1600枚の写真が集まりました。ひとりひとりの小さな日常の「LOVE&POWER」な瞬間が、一つの場所に集うことで大きな力を持つということを多くの人が体験し、目撃しました。
- 参加方法
- 鑑賞方法
- 展覧会公式Instagramアカウント
- 同時公開 オンライン展覧会「LOVE&POWER 2000」
2000年にアリスガーデンで開催されたLOVE & POWER 2000で集まった約1600点の写真を随時公開していきます。展覧会公式Instagramアカウントより「#love_power_2000」のタグをつけてアップします。
- 主催:LOVE&POWER Hiroshima
- 共催:ギャラリーG・ギャラリー交差611
- 協力:エディション写真暗室教室
- これまでのLOVE & POWER Hiroshima
1999年に東京のスパイラルホールでLOVE/POWER/BORDERLESSな写真を集めた写真展がありました。それに参加した広島の写真家が「広島でも開催したい」と考えたのがきっかけで、2000年8月6日にアリスガーデンで1日だけの野外写真展「LOVE&POWER 2000」を行なったのがLOVE&POWER Hiroshimaの始まりです。
それから12年後の2012年、LOVE & POWER 2012を開催。2000年の広島に集まった写真を再び展示し、ギャラリーGを埋め尽くしました。2000年の参加者も多く訪れ、まるでタイムカプセルを開いたような空間となり、時の流れの中で変わるものと変わらないものを感じさせられました。
>LOVE & POWER 2000(2000年@アリスガーデンの様子)
>LOVE & POWER Hiroshima(2012年@ギャラリーG の様子など)
LOVE & POWER Hiroshima 2020
Photo Exhibition everybody can join
from all over the world
The LOVE&POWER Hiroshima
will be revived again in 2020!
- Venue:Instagram #love_power_2020
- Term:as long as Instagram exists
- Application periodo: May 3rd(Sun)〜May 17th(Sun), 2020
- Exhibition Performance Date:May 12th(Tue)〜May 17th(Sun), 2020(show online only)
- Concept
LOVE&POWER Hiroshima is a photo exhibition everybody can join from all over the world.
20 years ago, 1600 photographs got together at LOVE&POWER Hiroshima 2000.Many people experienced and witnessed that a moment of “LOVE&POWER” in daily life for each person had such a great power by gathering at one place.
At LOVE&POWER 2012, we also realized that the power of art had been bigger and bigger rather than fading away as time passed.
And now, we are experiencing the historical transition.
We are facing countless disjunctions in the fast-moving society.
But, under this circumstance, we can connect each other without physically seeing and create an exhibition together!
This exhibition collects everyone’s precious “LOVE&POWER” moment and it is a cheer to all human kinds fighting in this Corona time and a message to ourselves living towards future.
Please join the exhibition with “LOVE” “POWER” “BORDERLESS” for you.
We create an online exhibition by collecting photos with Instagram hash tag, #love_power_2020. If you search the tag, everybody can access to the online exhibition. As long as Instagram exists, this exhibition is open to the world.
We print out the photos posted on Instagram and exhibit them at the gallery as an “Exhibition Performance” . We will stream live video showing the process of creating the exhibition space at the gallery.
This is our challenge to connect “borderlessly” to the world by creating a space with photos full of LOVE and POWER and to-and-fro between digital world and the real world.
- How to Join
From Instagram,
Please post a photo with “#love_power_2020” “your name (as prefer)“
You can add your comment or other hash tags on your post.
You can post as many as you want, but please post one photo at one time.
Everybody can join from anywhere in the world!
If you don’t have an Instagram Accoucnt…
Please send your photo to Gallery G (gg@gallery-g.jp) or LOVE&POWER page via Facebook messenger. Please write “For LOVE&POWER” and “Your name (as prefer)” in your email.
We will post your photos on Instagram from our official Instagram account.
For “Exhibition Performance”, we choose photos posted on Instagram and print them out on A4 size paper. The process of creating the exhibition at the gallery will be live-streamed on Instagram.
We would like to exhibit as many as possible, however, due to the limited time and staff, we can’t promise that all of photos will be exhibited at the gallery. The photos will be exhibited without caption.
- How to see
・Search #love_power_2020 on Instagram and you can see the online exhibition expanding day by day.
・Exhibition Performance:
Date:May 12th(Tue)〜May 17th(Sun), 2020
Venue:Gallery G(Kami-Hachobori Naka-ku, Hiroshima city)
*The performance will be online-streamed on Instagram@love_power_hiroshima. To prevent the spread of the novel corona virus infection, the access to the gallery space will be limited only to the project staff.
- LOVE & POWER Hiroshima 2020 Official Instagram Account
- Message from gallery G
A huge impact fell upon the world due to the spread of the novel corona virus. In this situation, so many artists lost their places to express their art. Gallery G is not an exception. With a mission of connecting people with art, Gallery G has been working on creating the space where people can see living art and interact with various artists. We started to think about what we can do as an art gallery. Then, LOVE&POWER came to our mind.
It has been 20 years since the last LOVE&POWER at Alice Garden in Hiroshima in 2000. There was no SNS and we rarely shared photos we took with others. The world has drastically changed since then. After Corona era, various new types of digital art would emerge to the world more than ever. Not only the technique or method, the way of exhibition would change and it would have a different meaning for “exhibiting art work at gallery.” Even so, the power of art never changes.
Because we are just in the transition to the new era, because the world is struggling against great difficulties, we challenge LOVE&POWER with the new way.
We hope LOVE&POWER will be delivered to all the people who are fighting in the corona era.
Simultaneous Release:
Online Exhibition「LOVE&POWER 2000」
With #love_power_2000, 1600 photos from LOVE&POWER 2000 held at Alice Garden in Hiroshima in 2000 will be shown online!
- What is LOVE & POWER Hiroshima?
A photo exhibition about LOVE/POWER/BORDERLESS was held at Spiral Hall in Tokyo in 1999. A photographer from Hiroshima joined the exhibition. Inspired by its concept, she organized the outdoor photo exhibition “LOVE&POWER 2000” at Alice Garden in Hiroshima on August 6thin 2000. That’s the beginning of LOVE&POWER Hiroshima.
As participatory exhibition, LOVE&POWER 2000 collected A3 size color photos on the theme of LOVE/POWER. Alice Garden was filled with 1600 photos elaborately displayed. It was the time that a digital camera was still a new tool and people just started to enjoy photography with color film print and color photocopy.
12 years after that, LOVE & POWER 2012 was held again at Gallery G in Hiroshima again. The gallery space was filled with photos from LOVE&POWER 2000. Many participants from 2000 visited the exhibition. Looking at those photos from 2000, we all felt like opening the time capsule together, realizing what has changed and what has never changed as time goes by.
- Host by LOVE&POWER Hiroshima
- Co-host by Gallery G, Gallery Intersections 611
- Cooperation by Edition Darkroom Photography Class