Noria Arai個展「EINFACHES」
2022.7.19 tue - 2022.7.24 sun
7/23(土)17:00〜17:30 ポエトリーリーディング
@相生橋の近く、基町河川公園。L GALLERYから徒歩5分。
My artistic work is based on photographs, poetry and performative videos.
The abstract photographic stills are thoughts that have taken shape - they document my inner processes. Over the years I have accumulated an archive of snapshots, texts and video fragments. I combine them to create a sensual-poetic world in the room installation.
I print my photographs on different types of paper. This time I used Japanese washi paper and gold-leave paper made in Hiroshima.
In the last year I was working with my archive material to create an experimental film script book.
To create my first movie will be my next big project. It will be a movie-collage of realistic scenes with an animated nature layer.
Noria Arai (ノリア アライ) (旧 Fanny Noria Harlan)
Noria Arai (formerly Fanny Noria Harlan), born in 1993, is a multidisciplinary artist.
During her studies in photojournalism and documentary photography in Hanover (BA 2018), she went to Hiroshima City University in 2015 on a DAAD scholarship to study oil painting and contemporary art. Here she devoted herself to photography in a new way: experimenting with printing processes and multimedia installation techniques. After spending a total of three years in Japan she went back to Germany and followed her artistic practice in Berlin for another three years. Arai moved to Kawasaki at the beginning of 2022.