ラピスギャラリー|Lapis Gallery
王子駿 個展 ECLOSION 〜羽化 箔の美しさ〜
2022.8.7 sun - 2022.8.14 sun
11:00〜19:00(Last day〜17:00)
王 子駿
1990年 中国・福建省生まれ
2011年 21歳で渡日
2022年 広島市立大学大学院芸術学研究科博士後期課程修了 博士学位取得(芸術)
2018年 個展「Toward the light」(旧日本銀行広島支店/広島)
2020年 個展「別の世界 Another world」(ギャラリーG/ 広島)
Showcased in this exhibition will be my works created with the technique, “Poliment Gilding,” a gold leaf stamping technique in Western painting. This technique is considered to have attained full maturity in the Gothic period around the 12th century. It is one of the expression techniques of tempera painting which prevailed before the birth of oil painting, using gold leaf in the background to represent a sacred space or aura. These works, called gold-ground tempera paintings, still glowing in many churches today, played an important role in the development of altarpieces and icons in medieval art. In Middle Ages, production of gold-ground tempera paintings required extremely complex procedures and skills. Accordingly, for a large-scale work, the painter most often employed apprentices and completed it with a number of people. A technique such as this is difficult to apply to making of contemporary paintings, and can be said to be a rare form of expression.
It will be a great honor for me if you visit the exhibition and see the actual works