gallery G
Sixte Kakinda solo exhibition “Intimate Moments”
2020.8.4 tue - 2020.8.9 sun
11:00〜20:00(Last day~17:00)
Sixte Kakinda シクステ・カキンダ
コンゴ民主共和国出身、茨城県在住。2019年に東京藝術大学大学院グローバルアートプラクティス専攻を首席で修了。修了制作にあたる「Intimate Moments」は卒業・修了買上賞を受賞。ドローイングの手法を用いて、ドローイングと他ジャンルとの境界を拡張させるこに関心を持つ。
東京(東京藝術大学陳列館、2019)、ソウル(Art Park Glallery、2019)、ライプツィヒ(Gallery of Contemporary art of Leipzig、2017)、アントワープ(Inbox of the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwep、2015)でグループ展に参加。
協力 Cooperation:SUPER FACTORY
被爆ピアノコンサート in gallery G
Intimate Moments reveals the invisible link established between Japan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo when the atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima in 1945. This bomb contained uranium extracted from the Shinkolobwe mines in the Belgian Congo.
Pills are used in this work as the metaphor of the uranium to establish a new link between Japan and Congo, between the artist and the city of Hiroshima and between the artist and the victims of the explosion. These tablets are also used as a way of relieving the earth from the bad behaviors of the humankind.
Sixte Kakinda
Living in Japan, he is a self-taught comic writer from Congo.He is graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts (MFA/Global Art Practice) where his graduation work Intimate Moments won the Graduation/completion purchase work Prize. He is interested in expanding drawings on other art disciplines as a way of making drawings. He participated in different group exhibitions in Tokyo (Chinretsukan Gallery, 2019), in Seoul (Art Park Gallery, 2019), in Leipzig (Gallery of Contemporary art of Leipzig, 2017) and in Antwerp (Inbox of the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp, 2015).
Intimate Moments is his first solo exhibition.