This is a gallery space owned by AMATERASU Inc. It was established with a mission to train hikikomori (people who have withdrawn from society) to become “professional hikikomori.” It is said that there are about 1 million individuals living as hikikomori in Japan. We would like to be considerate of their feelings and give them support so that they can shine with their talents without forcing themselves to go outside. We exhibit the works of creators who belong to our company and hikikomori. We also rent out the space for general use.
AMTR ギャラリー | AMTR Gallery
- 住所
- 〒730-0012 広島市中区上八丁堀8-23林業ビル6F
- 電話
- 0120-626-610
- 082-227-8131
- 開館時間
- 10:00〜18:00
- 休館日
- 土・日・祝(企画展開催中は毎日開廊)
- https://amaterasuinc.co.jp
- https://amaterasuinc.official.ec/